Not to buys this weekend, had a few jobs Friday night and a few jobs Saturday. Unusual for me to be this relaxed on a weekend, im normally running around like a headless chicken.
Thursday saw me at the Heritage Centre in Wolverhampton for a set light up letters MUM & NAN for a funeral celebrating the life of the late Doris.

Friday saw me at Allens Sports Bar in Tipton with my selfie pod and a set of light up number 30. I was also out at Goals in Bilston with a silver shimmer wall and set of number lights for Rachel’s daughter.
I didn’t do the balloons though, the customers done their own balloons.

And today, Saturday saw me drop off 4x of my new absolutely beautiful 5ft pink blossom trees for a first time outing as well as PRIS in light up letters.

Just a nice relaxed chilled weekend. Only got 2x collections to do and im good.
Thank you to everyone who booked in with me this weekend and every weekend, I appreciate the work.