Out and about this Saturday with 4 jobs on.
First stop saw me visit Edgbaston in Birmingham for a fellow balloonie with a set of number 30 lights for her display.
I provide (sub hire) a few balloon girls with their light up numbers, as it saves them the hassle of buying, storing and maintaining them. And im always happy to help out where i can.

My second job of the day saw me back at the Newhampton pub in Wolverhampton. This time for Pria’s moms 50th birthday, with my large silver shimmer wall, large happy birthday neon sign and a set of light up number 50 lights. This was one of my DIY party package deals, which includes everything but the balloons.
Apparently Pria’s mom was so happy with the display she almost cried.. And that’s surely the best compliment you can get, when your gear is that good, it brings tears of joy.. lol.

A quick break at home for 1hr, and i was out again this time for a returning customer at Bridgetown Social Club for Gina’s sons 21st birthday party. With light up number 21 and a classic half balloon combination in black and white balloons, with a touch of silver.
I love havng return customers as it means im doing something right. If i didn’t ger returning customers, i might start to get a complex.

Last, but not least, saw a return visit to Bilbrook Village Hall for an engagement party for Molly & Callum this Saturday. With my gold shimmer wall, C & M light up letters and my large happily ever after neon sign.