A true labour of love over the last few days saw me at Grosvenor Casino Walsall for their 25th anniversary corporate event with full casino decorations.
From bespoke square balloon arches, balloon columns, balloon clusters, shimmer wall with neon numbers and bespoke casino theme balloon displays all around the venue.
This has been a tremendous amount of work undertaken by me on my own. With two 5:00am starts in order to get everything done for their 3 day deadline.
I really enjoyed doing a casino theme display and it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so when asked by Grosvenor Casino Walsall I was a little excited to be doing it.
I did similar corporate balloon decorations for the Grosvenor casino Stoke, for their 20 year anniversary party a few months ago, which the Walsall casino manager attended, saw my work, and asked if I would come decorate their Walsall venue for their 25th anniversary.
Obviously there’s no better compliment than someone seeing your work and wanting me to do their corporate balloon decorations too, so it was a no brainer for me.
I went with the traditional black, gold & red casino colours and enhanced the displays with a few shiny crystal red balloons and foil style casino dice. The square frames for the foyer area were made out of copper pipe and were created for this specific job and made to measure on site.
The frames for the poker room doorways were also made out of copper pipe on site to fit the venue.
Grosvenor Casino Walsall Balloon Decorations
Left hand side of foyer leading in to the slots area, square frame made out of my own balloon frames and copper pipe.

Right hand side of foyer leading in to the main casino area. Created using my own design balloon frames and copper pipe to span the 12ft gap.

A pair of corporate balloon columns with corporate logo on leading in to the main walk way.

Another bespoke balloon creation using one of my balloon tower frames, extended with copper pipe to create a sort of fly-over the left hand doorway to the poker room.

The main doorway to the poker room with a large triple doorway entrance, with two besoke casino themed balloon displays using my copper frame combination.

Another set of quality corporate balloon columns leading on to the raised floor area and food court.

Left hand side of the main stage, quite a tricky area with limited access due to the large sound booth next to the stage which couldn’t be moved. So i create a balloon display to sit in the gap to add some decor to the stage area.

The right hand side of the main stage area with bespoke balloon garland with corporate logo and corporate message on a gold acrylic disc, looking fabulous 🙂

There were a few other balloon columns dotted around the room as well as 20 or so balloon clusters on the camera poles and light fittings to help decorate the room as make the whole room look as fully decorated as possible.
This whole display took just 3 days from Monday – Wednesday on my own, with a lot of planning and two very early starts. But i think the end’s justifys the means. As Grosvenor Casino Walsall has the best dressed casino in the UK!. Perfect for their 25th anniversary party.
Almost forgot, i also supplied a beautiful gold shimmer wall and a set of 25 neon numbers for between their poker room doorways.

If you would like your own corporate balloon decorations or are in need of bespoke balloon frames making for your next corporate event. Then get in touch today, let’s make it happen!.