A lovely event on Sunday for 3 little girls: Skylar-Mae, Delilah-Marie & Amiyah-Rae (how pretty are those names). At the Chillington sports & social club in Wolverhampton.

The event was for a joint celebration involving all 3 girls. A christening and a 1st birthday for little Amiyah-Rae.

I was asked to provide a welcome message board, which was originally to be on my acrylic disc and easel frame, but due to the amount of wording to go on, i opted to add the vinyl to my 2nd largest sail board instead, and believe it worked out for the best – as it looked really good.

Balloons were also supplied with a large background sail board to create the main display. And what beautiful colours are these ? With Eucalyptus green, pastel pink, Gemar Peach & Gemar Shell in an adhoc mixed fashion. A really different and colourful colour combination, that just works!.

Combined with my light up cross and a light up number 1, it was the perfect combination for a joint celebration. If you have a christening or birthday coming up and would like to hire some light up letters, light up numbers, table centres or have a balloon display created, then message me with your requirements today.